Little Girl Masters Dance Routine in Mom’s High Heels

Looking in the mirror, looking at the outside world
The Outer World often feels as a source of frustration and grief. A troublemaker who doesn’t know when to stop. But although it seems the cause of much misery, it is an effect, a mirror of ourselves. Because it mirrors our consciousness, our inner world. Where our collective consciousness reflects our mutual world, our personal consciousness mirrors itself in your personal world. Our personal world is therefore different from how every other person experiences his world.


Because every person is unique and has his own outside world, with his own experiences. This outside world is the perfect reflection of your inside world. This post, the last in a series of three, totally focusses on the Outer World. What use is this mirror? And how can you use this mirror to your advantage? The previous two messages are: Inner World and Outer World and Inner World.

Making yourself beautiful, recognizing yourself
Imagine the following situation. You are a very young girl and you are in the bathroom. You have a stool so you can access the stuff on the shelf. They seem interesting to you. Because you saw that mom uses it to make herself beautiful. And that’s what you want too. Suddenly you see someone in the mirror. A nice girl. When you smile at her, she smiles back immediately. You grab a hairbrush and start brushing your hair. Now you suddenly see that the girl is brushing her hair too. So funny, you have to laugh about it … and so does the girl. Suddenly something starts to dawn. That girl in the mirror, is it maybe me …?


The world we see reflects our mood
We are in a similar situation to this young girl. We are beginning to realize that the world as we see and experience it is not separate from us. But that this is the result of what we think, say and do. Representing the reflection of our consciousness. Slowly but surely we begin to become aware of the relationship between ourselves and our Outer World.

We are beginning to realize that these two have a direct relationship with each other. For example, we notice that our own inner dissatisfaction manifests itself as conflicts in the outside world. Or we notice that on days when we have a bad mood, the world also looks less beautiful. This makes people react more negatively to us than when we cheerfully step through life.

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