Little boy’s version of Pledge of Allegiance will melt your heart February 28, 2023

Oh, those were the days of kindergarten. What some of us adults would give to go back in time to when it was all about making macaroni necklaces, using glue sticks, and learning the fundamentals. Doesn’t it sound fantastic?


It’s also the first year that many of us began our mornings by saying the «Pledge of Allegiance» facing the school flag. We were twenty or so young voices attempting to recite the lyrics, all with our right hands covering our hearts. While the artwork is adorable, one boy’s rendition maybe even better.


Lacey Nicole Holmes, a Texas parent, published a video on Facebook that had many people in tears. It’s a video of her two-and-a-half-year-old kid repeating the Pledge of Allegiance in their house.


Toddlers usually sing nursery rhymes and songs from their favorite programs (my kids sang Barney songs so many times that I still can’t get them out of my brain).

It’s not every day that you witness a little youngster repeating the words to something as patriotic as our pledge. This small fellow has it all figured out as well.

In Holmes’ video, her young son is dressed in a monster truck t-shirt and stands in their living room. He’s put his right hand over his heart, as we were taught in school, and he’s ready to show everyone what he’s learned.

The youngster instructs his mother to begin recording by saying, «Go.»

While there is no American flag visible in the video, the toddler’s eyes flick upward, as if he is staring at one in the background. He then begins chanting patriotic phrases.

You can see right away that he’s a child who knows the Pledge of Allegiance by heart. But, as one would expect from a two-year-old, the way he pronounces the words is far too precious.

According to the website US History, Francis Bellamy wrote the «Pledge of Allegiance» in 1892, but it was not the same as we know it today. It was originally written:

«I swear loyalty to my flag and the Republic it represents.»

«Under God» was also missing from the original edition. The Pledge of Allegiance evolved over time, with «the flag of the United States of America» added in 1923 and «under God» added in 1954.

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