When This Little Girl’s Prayers Are Answered, She’s Overcome With Joy

There are many obstacles that many of us face in this unjust world we live in. On occasion, you may experience certain hardships, such as physical illness, financial difficulties, or helping a loved one through tough times.

Yet, you’re reminded at John 16:33, “In this world, you will have trouble. Also, Ecclesiastes 9:11, states, “Time and unforeseen occurrences befall us all.” Since the Bible foretells about the times of despair you may experience, it is vital to go before God and pray for spiritual guidance, comfort and wisdom.


Focusing on the family reminds us that prayer can be a powerful option for several reasons. Prayer keeps us humble and connected to our faith, and draw closer to God. Also, prayer can keep our resolve strong and our spirits resilient amidst this troubled world we live in.

Therefore, it is necessary for parents to teach and set the proper example for children to develop their own relationship with God through prayer.

When children are able to read, parents can recite with them Jesus Model Prayer at Matthew 6:9-13. Parents can also frequently introduce uplifting biblical excerpts.

Looking at this precious little girl’s example, demonstrating how she fervently prayed to God for healing when she didn’t feel well is one of awe and inspiration. This little girl also had faith and exuded gratitude by thanking God repeatedly for making her feel well again.

The parents were also elated and filled with joy because they helped inculcate and instill what God requested of parents at 2 Timothy 3:15, which states to “train children from infancy.” As a result, this little girl was able to see for herself, “The Power of Prayer.”

This touching story about the girl praying is too precious, be sure to pass it along to your friends who might need the power of prayer! What do you think about this video? Let us know in the comments!

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